Butterfly Painting Class

Well, I had my first PreK-K painting class recently.  Let me tell you, painting with the little ones is a trip!  They are so much fun and say the funniest things.  I laughed more than I have in along time!  Here's my three little artists, Aubrey, Katherine, and Brynlee.

Here's Aubrey's finished butterfly.  She got a little tired there at the end but was completely re-energized by the adding of beads and sequins!

Here I am painting with Brynlee.  She was very specific about what she wanted.  I love a woman with vision!

This was a "Mommy and Me" class so each child had to have an adult to paint with.  This gave me a helping hand but also hopefully created some special memories.  Katherine and Aubrey painted with their mothers and Brynlee painted with her grandmother.

I think the girls had a good time and I know I did!  They were really proud of their finished products!  I am hoping to do another "Mommy and Me" class sometime after school is out so check back often! Just click here to see all of the iLearn Center classes.
