Teacher Inspiration
Isn't this how we feel at the beginning of the year? We just meet these kids and here we are entrusted with their learning and safety every day. By the end of the year, they really are like our own. I often feel like a mother hen and am very protective of my little chicks!
It's getting to be that time of the year again...TCAP and then all those end of the year activities. It is crazy busy for us all! I won't be taking very many orders in May for that reason. June is wide open - haha! I am running the Teacher Love Sale through the month of April. Now is the time to order your end of the year teacher gifts or just something for for own classroom.
Any 4x12 or 6x9 canvas for a teacher is just $12.00!
Here's some of my past favorites to get your creative juices flowing...
For a coach's office in school colors. This design works well for male teachers!
A whole mess of 5x5's for an entire hallway...
Cute class rules in primary colors...
16x20 gumball machine for the reading corner...
Love the dotted apple and worm on a black background...
Vera Bradley inspired 11x14...
The classic red apple with the child's name, grade, and year on the side...
Beautiful wise owl in neutral shades...
Glitter chevron (need I say more?)...
Bright colored dots for a set of teachers across the hall from each other...
Two 11x14's for the principal's office...
Beachy dots with some bling for the speech teacher...
Neutral paisleys with a hint of aqua...
Bright paisleys with black accents...
Hot pink chevron with a fancy frame...
Tropical dots...
Vintage dots...
Love all of these rainbow dots on the black background and the name in white...
Dots, dashes, and bling...
Pretty pastel owl...
Ladybugs and bumble bees...
5x5 bright dots with black accents...
Pretty pink and green leaves...
If that doesn't give you some good ideas, I don't know what will! Remember to order by April 30th to take advantage of this great deal. Go ahead...show your teacher some love!