Happy Valentine Birthday!

Lauren Elizabeth was born on Valentine's Day 2005.  She was the sweetest little Valentine ever.  I remember my husband bringing me four pink roses.  Pink for our little girl and four because that's how many were in our family now.  She was such a good baby right from the start!

She has always loved to eat and has never been picky about her food.  As a matter of fact, I can't think of anything she won't eat.  She even eats raw oysters with her Pa!

 She has never been much of a TV watcher - even though she did go through a serious Elmo phase!  If the TV is on, she needs to be doing something else at the same time.  She does like movies, but not what you'd think.  She likes spies and action.  Her favorite TV show is those old Mission Impossibles and her favorite movie is White House Down!

At three, she was all about the princesses.  She's kind of outgrown that now.  She does still like dressing up and lots of bling!

By four she was already starting to read and still reads a lot.  She got a Kindle for Christmas because she always had mine!  She likes to read Nancy Drew and Judy Moody.  With all of the mysteries she likes, do you think she'll grow up to be a detective?

I don't know, but she says she wants to be a pediatrician.  She got her first Bitty Baby at five and loves dolls and babies.  She's very motherly and talks about having her own family all of the time.  She takes meticulous care of her baby dolls.  She's known for having one with her at all times!

At six, we changed schools and she started first grade at Centertown.  I was worried about her being the "new kid" but she did just fine.  She has a knack for adapting to just about any situation.  She is a born leader - which can sometimes be a bad thing.  She definitely likes for everything to go her way!

By the time she was seven, she'd been in several pageants and recitals for her ballet class.  She shines on the stage!  I am so proud of her for having the courage and confidence to get up in front of people.  That's hard for most adults to do!

She's grown up so much during year eight.  She's losing that little girl look and becoming a young lady.  She's discovered basketball and had a wonderful season.  Teaching her to be a lady and have good manners, compassion for others, and to be a good wife and mother is a huge responsibility.

What's coming up in year nine?  She's starting Spanish lessons - her request.  She'll graduate third grade and move on over to the "big kid" hallway with me.  She's traveling to St. Louis and Washington D.C.  She's pumped about the FBI museum and First Lady dress collection.  It's a strange combination, but so her!

We love you so much, Lauren!  Happy birthday!
