For the Love of Glitter!
I'm all about some glitter! I've been experimenting with glitter transfer and am very pleased with the results. My husband is less that thrilled with glitter all over the house. It's the price you pay for some pretty artwork - haha!! This 8x10 with the glitter heart is so sweet. I think it would be great in a little girl's room. It is topped with my new burlap polka dot ribbon.
Available - 8x10 - $20.00
This sweet little 5xt is in my studio right now and I'm really liking it in there! The "happy" is in glitter. I also found the coolest thing at Michael's - glitter burlap ribbon! Seriously!
Available - $15.00
This beautiful weather has gotten me to looking forward to summer...and buying new flip flops!! I did this 8x8 block canvas is pretty aquas and khaki. The "flip flops" is in glitter. It's nice and thick with the dots wrapped around the side. This one hangs or stands on it's own - no ribbon needed!
Available - $20.00