Baseball Season

Baseball season is in full swing for us here at the Mansfield house. We've got games tonight and tomorrow morning. If we don't have a game, my boys are still at the ball park because Mike volunteered as a commissioner. Carter cannot stay home if he knows that his dad is there! If we're home, a game is on. They want to plan our summer vacation to see a game or two. You'd think they would eventually get enough. Apparently not.
Nancy Golden ordered this baseball jersey a while back and I am just now getting to it. She has a new nephew! I did jerseys for Tripp's older brothers and she wanted one to match just for him. Thank you, Nancy, for the order and for being to patient!


Jenny said…
I LOVE this. Baseball is a big deal at the Yankovich house, too. Ryan is in a tournament this weekend and it is supposed to be upwards of 90 degrees. It will be fun, fun, fun. I am going to keep this design in mind when we move!