An Adventure and Some Paisley

I got my belated birthday present this past weekend! For my thirty-fifth birthday, I wanted to go zip lining. We just couldn't get away until after school was out. When we finally did get to go, it was so worth the wait!

I am thinking...

what did I...

get myself into?

That little speck? Yes, that's me!

It looks scarier than it really is. Actually, it really doesn't feel that high and you don't have time to look around. It's that initial jump. Like they say, "The first step is the hardest". It feels like flying and after a while you are letting go, going upside down, and trying to figure out ways to go faster. I highly recommend it!

Just because this is an art blog and I haven't posted any art for a's some super cute paisley that's just perfect for summer. This one is for the Miss Tennessee silent auction gift basket. I love these hot summer colors with the black and white.


Aurora said…
How fantastic! that looks like it was super fun. maybe i'll do that for my 50th (2 years to go). Just stopping by to say hi from SITS.