Show Us Your Life - Desserts
This is a repost from May...I couldn't help it! It really is my favorite dessert recipe!
Lauren asked that question about the pie I made to take to Steve and Carolyn's for dinner. "It's the good kind, baby," I replied. After she chewed a minute, she said, "Mmmmm, you got that right"!
The "good kind" of pie is actually Buttermilk Pie. It is so easy and soooooo yummy!
The "good kind" of pie is actually Buttermilk Pie. It is so easy and soooooo yummy!
3/4 stick of margarine melted
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup buttermilk
tsp vanilla
pinch of salt
4 eggs
Mix all of the ingredients together well and pour into a pie crust. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.