Busy, Busy...
Rachel Walker is ready to go off to college with a dorm sign for her and her roommate. I think these will be the hit of the hallway! The sweetest thing is that Rachel (love her!) asked if I charged by the color. If I did, she only wanted pink and green. Spoken like a true college student! They did want a lot of colors! No, I do not charge by the color, but by size.
~Remember that all school related canvases are $5.00 off for the month of August.
~Remember that all school related canvases are $5.00 off for the month of August.
Speaking of school, today was our first day. Carter and I headed to Bobby Ray, Mike to I.C., and Lauren to summer care at the Learning House. We were up and at it and out the door in record time this morning. Check back with me about Thursday or so! Carter is really looking forward to great second grade year with Mrs Joyce Smith.
The weekend before school started turned out the busiest one of the summer. We have been on the go! Emily graduated from MTSU Saturday morning and we had a nice lunch in her honor afterwards with our whole family. Saturday night, Emily was in the Miss Country Sunshine pageant and won! After seven, that's right seven, first runner ups, she won! We are so excited for her and her opportunity to go to Miss Tennessee in June.