Corrections And A New Camera

Darlene Bryant ordered these two cuties for some recent graduates. I used bigger dots than usual on a whim, and love how they turned out. The pink and purple really pop against the black and white dotted background.
But...I made a mistake. I hate it when I do that! I don't do it very often, not because I am anywhere near perfect, but because I check my notes over and over again before and during painting. I want to be sure I've got it right. However, mistakes do happen and no one is harder on me than myself. I mixed up the pink and the purple. Yikes! The new corrected canvases are below. Thank you, Darlene, for the order and for being so patient!

In other news, my new camera is ordered and on it's way. I am so excited!


Sarah Brown said…
Cute stuff. I also taught fifth grade before I decided to stay home with the kids.
Thanks for coming by today.
Carolina said…
Interesting post!! Your new camera is looking so cute!! I like it's cool color!!