The Maxwells

Ok, this picture is kind of blurry and I didn't realize it until after I got it ready to post.  Sorry!  I am trying to post all of the things I did before Christmas, but had to keep under wraps.  This was one of them.  It is really beautiful with all of that intricate lettering and the cream and black is a favorite color combination.  I hope the Maxwells loved it!  Thanks, Leanne!

I am so enjoying my extra long weekend.  It seems like I am getting a lot done and nothing at all done at the same time if that makes any sense.  I guess it is because I am still doing the things I normally do like cleaning, cooking, exercising, painting, and so on, but I still have time to lay on the couch and watch Law & Order with Mike, make a Play-Dough picnic with Lauren, and play the Wii with Carter.  I am getting pretty good at Mario Kart, but he is still better!

I've got a fresh new look coming soon!  Check back!

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