The Mansfield Kiddos

We started our Halloween with trick-or-treating at church last Sunday night. Lauren is a fairy and Carter is Indiana Jones. They went trick-or-treating again on Wednesday night with my parents at their church. Friday is their parties at school.
It has been nice having all of the activities spread out, but I am wondering where do we have left to go on Halloween night? I am trying to talk them into staying home, carving a pumpkin, and actually being here to give out candy. We certainly do not need to take any more in!

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Ashley's Attic said…
Seth is going to be Indiana Jones too so our boys will be twin Indys! Y'all should definitely come to see us at the shop...we're giving out some really great treats to our costumed kids and discounts to the mommies!
Wesley said…
Ms. Lauren looks so beautiful as usual! Bree loves Tinkerbell. I still gotta come see you about my snowman! =) I haven't forgot my life has just been so crazy busy lately!!