Pam's Quote

Pam Shelton ordered this beautiful quote for her home. She wanted it to go over the doorway to her living room, so she needed a long, skinny canvas. This one is 12x48 and fits just right!
Her walls are a rich taupe color, but the has an oriental rug in that room with a plum background and taupe accents. I picked up that plum color for the background of the canvas as well. It barely shows up in the photo, but there are darker plum swirls and designs in there as well.
The lettering is in that pretty taupe color. I also chose a new font just for this project. I wanted a script that was easy to read, but not cursive. This is called "Adorable".
If you know Pam, you know this is the perfect quote for her. She is a cancer survivor who dedicates much of her time to raising money and awareness for the American Cancer Society. We love you, Pam!

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LeAnne Grissom said…
I love this quote. I also love the new look to the blog. Just about have your bows ready.
Anonymous said…
You know this is my favorite quote! I love this one B and I really like the new font (even though you said it was hard lol)!

Angela said…
Thanks for the comment! I enjoy visiting your blog to see your latest masterpieces and today was no exception. Really, this font is beautiful. So perfect. Outstanding job.
I need something Spring-y for my front door but I just can't think of anything. I guess I'll know it when I see it. :)
Ashley said…
wow is all i have to say for this one. it is amazing brandie!!!!