Ten Thoughts on Whole Living

I was waiting in the doctor's office earlier this week and found this list in a Body+Soul magazine. I had never heard of that magazine. It is about "whole living", which I also had never heard of. I personally found it very interesting. It was mostly about combining and appreciating all of the things around you to create a better lifestyle. It also focused on healthy choices for your physical and spiritual self. I am not usually a nuts and berries kind of girl, but this really appealed to me. I tore out this list of ten thoughts in the back and took it with me to share. I especially like number six:)! What do you think?

1. Your home is more than the sum of its walls. Make it a sacred space.
2. Creativity is a lifestyle, not simply a single activity. Let it expand you.
3. True forgiveness springs from love, not regret.
4. Learn something new. Emphasize the trying, not the succeeding.
5. Spend some time in the dirt. You'll be amazed at what nature can inspire.
6. You don't have to have a perfect body to feel great in it!
7. Define yourself by who you are, not the roles you play.
8. Find rejuvenation in five minutes of silence.
9. Contribute to abundance: if you no longer need something, pass it on.
10. Find your direction in life by looking where you want to go, not where you don't.
June 2007 by Terri Tresicio


Brandie, I especially love #3 although my children would say that I preach about silence. Oh how I cherish Silence - which is so rare. I think this is very interesting. Thanks for sharing. ;)
Mandy said…
Oh Brandie, this is my FAV magazine! I love it. I am a "green" and organic girl and try to live greener everyday. This magazine has wonderful ideas for living better. I had actually seen the list and loved it too.
Unknown said…
This is a neat list and I appreciate you sharing it with your readers. I think everyone could use at least one of these tips!

Great Job!!!
Holly said…
Love your list. Thanks for sharing it. Sounds like you are super busy, but having fun. Take care.