Don't Worry, Be Happy!

"Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

Miss McKenna Rhea says that she is a worrier by nature and that this Bible quotation gives her comfort. She is decorating her new apartment and wanted that verse to hang in her bathroom so she can be sure to see it every morning.
She said her shower curtain was online so I checked it out. It was this pretty butter yellow and cream stripe. She also said she was using some shells. It just all came together so well! I loved the way wrapping the verse around the border turned out.
This one is so versatile. After I did it, I had so many more quotes and images that were coming to mind. You all may see more versions of this one at the Autumn Street Fair!!


McKenna said…
Brandie! I love love love this! Thank you so much for doing it for me. I can't wait to hang it!