Brown is the New Black

I love the chocolate brown color that is being used in a lot of nurseries right now, for boys and girls. Any color looks so crisp and modern next to it. Laura Dunlap ordered this one for her nephew on the way. I used different sizes of dots to give it an even more modern feel.
I also love that she chose the monogram rather than the full name. This is the first one I've done like that, but I have a feeling it will turn out to be very popular! I put my kids' monograms on everything! That reminds me, if you like monogramming, check out the cutest new store in town, Sew Sweet Embroidery. They had great clothes, bags, pillows, and even hairbows.
This one is a small 8x10 and is only $20.00. That size looks good on the wall, but also on an easel. Anything the color of chocolate can't be anything but fabulous!!!


Girlie this rocks!! I am thinking I need a huge canvas for lexi's room!!!!!!!! Keep up the awesome work!