Collins Rider Clarke

Can I just say right off the bat that I absolutely love this bedding? Navy and lime is a favorite color combination of mine, but I've never seen it in a nursery. So pretty! This is by Bananafish and is available at Target.
Megan Clarke is expecting her sweet little boy and wanted some custom artwork to hang over the crib. She decided on three large 16x16 squares.
I love that idea! There is a lot of flexibility with three canvases. I chose to coordinates them with the large dots on the outsides and small stripes on the inside. There is also a small border of navy with white piping, which is the same as the bedding.
Here they are all side by side. The plain and simple font is in keeping with the clean, crisp design of the bedding. I can't wait to see them on the wall! Thank you so much, Megan! Congratulations to you and your family.