The Easter Bunny

The Easter bunny is making his way to our house! I love putting together gift baskets for my kids. It's smaller and maybe a little more personal than Christmas. They've sort of outgrown their little wicker baskets that I've used for year. This year I splurged on new buckets! I hope they hold up because I can see me sitting these out as decorations after they are grown. This really cute website has lots of personalized stuff!

Carter's basket will mostly be Egypt Legos, books, and baseball cards...boy stuff. You don't want to see that! I think everything in Lauren's basket will have her name on it! It's a good thing she loves personalized stuff as much as I do! She is really into Olivia the Pig right now. I ordered this adorable pillowcase dress from this etsy shop. It's everything I can do not to let her wear it now.

I also found these custom crayons at this etsy shop. These are so cool! This is Lauren's name spelled out in crayons. I just notices that they also have crayon Lego blocks and little Lego men crayons. I think this would make a great party gift.

Well, no artwork is included in this post. I just had Easter on my mind and decided to share. Have a great day!
