I guess it is because I have a little more time on my hands in the summer, but I am becoming obsessed with a few things. I always have a summer project. This year it is moving Carter upstairs, Lauren into Carter's old room, and {{giddy with joy!}} my studio downstairs. It is a lot of work, but I am an obsessed painting machine. The after photo of my new studio/Lauren's old room is above and the before is below.

Just getting everything ready to paint took forever. I filled in all the nail holes and cleaned the baseboards. When I started cleaning the walls here and there is when the obsession with the Magic Eraser kicked in. I've never used one of these things. They are amazing! They take of dirt that I didn't even know was there. I don't even have to paint my trim now.
Coffee is probably fueling me somewhat. I am always trying new creamer flavors (I guess that's always been a bit of an obsession), but Italian Sweet Cream is absolutely obsessive! I think I will start drinking it by the cup and adding a dash of coffee.
Finally, I am watching way too much Jon and Kate. This summer is the first time I've ever seen an episode and now I am addicted. It's like a car wreck, you know you shouldn't be watching but you can't look away. I have to say that I was not surprised by their "big announcement". I would have been more surprised if they were quitting the show to work on their marriage privately. Still, they are a captivating family and I hope it all works out for them.

Last summer it was America's Next Top Model. You cannot just watch one episode at a time and there is always a marathon on!
If I am not doing any of the above things, I am on this blasted laptop playing Mah Jong. I play it every day and I play until I win. All you have to do is match up these little Japanese tiles. Not hard, not complicated, but completely obsessive. Here is the link to my favorite...go there only if you dare!


And last but not least, Terry makes fun of me, all the time for watching "America's Next Top Model" but I watch it everytime it is on, and like you said, you can't just watch one episode, you have to watch the whole season---it's great, and I'm totally obsessed too:)
Hope you and your beautiful family are having a great summer!
Love you,
Can't wait to see the new rooms, I know the kids are excited!
btw - we are practically neighbors -I'm in Murfreesboro!?