I had a wonderful day in downtown McMinnville yesterday. It was as hot as all get out, but we made the best of it with Capalano's smoothies!

I met so many new people and got to see some old friends! Thanks to everyone who stopped by. I heard so many nice comments...it just melts my heart!

My little businessman, Carter, sold sports themed treat bags. He sold out! His plan for his profit is to expand his college football helmet collection.

My "Dream Custom Artwork" crayon sign was a big hit! The snowmen are always a favorite, but Tammy's snowman family was
the favorite. I am happy to say that my new beaded handles went over well!

Celebrate everything..especially beautiful days. Thanks you everyone who helped me out! My team (Carter, Mike, and Lauren), my hired hands (Davy and Emily), Mac, Stephanie, Paula, Ashley, the ASF staff, Capalano's free sample guy, and my booth neighbor Angie.
oh my goodness...i LOVE the crayon canvas!!! LOVE IT. your booth and everything in it looked great--just as i knew it would :)