I am just now getting around to blogging about my Chicago trip. It is hard to believe that it was almost a month ago. I went on a fall shopping spree with three really good coworkers and girlfriends, Janet Nunley, Kristy Weeter, and Lakeisha Tobitt.
Girl time is just so wonderful! You don't realize how much you need it until a weekend like that one. We just cut loose and acted goofy. We even tried on fancy dresses in one of those fancy stores that I usually just walk past. I never have time to go in, much less try on!

Just shopping, talking, and eating for three days. No diapers, diaper bags, strollers, chopping up someone else's food, disciplining, or early mornings.

Somehow, we still came home tired. As a matter of fact, we all fell asleep in the taxi on the way to the airport!

We did miss our husbands and children and we glad to get back to them. However, we are making plans to go back next year!