All Sports Included

One wonderful customer, Daphne Campbell, ordered these two sports canvases for her boys' room. Isaiah is her toddler, but Luke Allen wasn't even born when I painted his! I had some technical difficulty with these photos, so that is a time gap between the time they were done and the time they are being posted. I did a girlie pink soccer ball that I am still having photo problems with!
I like them because they compliment each other so well. They can easily be hung together or apart. They also have so many sports in them! Daphne requested golf, hockey, soccer, baseball, basketball, football, and volleyball. As you can see, I wasn't able to squeeze in a volleyball!
These are 14x14 and cost $30.00 each. I am currently hunting for this size canvas. All of a sudden the 14x14's are hard to find! I do have 10x10's available for $20.00. If you would like one (or two or three:) for Christmas, order now!
